Monday, 03 February 2020 09:33

2019 IEEE Italy Section Honorary Award to Dr. Roberto Padovani

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On February 6, in the Aula Magna at Polo A at 15:00, the awarding ceremony of the IEEE Honorary Award will be held to Roberto Padovani, co-founder of Qualcomm, to whom I strongly recommend participate, as he is a co-founder of an extremely influential ICT company. There will also be some rather relevant guests, also from ESA.

For the occasion, we could meet earlier, around 14:00, always in the same classroom, to discuss a bit about the student branch and what you would
like to do in this 2020 (professors to be invited, trips to do, conferences, etc. etc. ). At the end of the ceremony, at 17:00 there will be a
coffee break kindly offered by IEEE to which, of course, you are all warmly invited.

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