Future Events

Seminary: Advances in Wearable Printed Antennas

Aula Magna Pacinotti (max 20 people in presence)
School of Engineering, Pisa
July 26th 2021, h14:30
ONLINE (Microsoft Teams): <https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTNkMThhNzktMzNkMy00MGM5LTlmNjktN2MxNDA5MDIyNTI2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c7456b31-a220-47f5-be52-473828670aa1%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d1c38a3e-e10c-456b-83bc-24ee4a6d3426%22%7d>

Bio: Smail TEDJINI, IEEE Senior Member, URSI Fellow, Doctor Physics Grenoble University 1985. He was Assistant Professor at Grenoble Institute of Technology and Senior Researcher of CNRS (Research French National Center). He became University Full Professor in 1993. Since 1996 he is Professor at ESISAR (Dpt. of Grenoble-inp). His main teaching topics concern Electromagnetism, RadioFrequency, Wireless Systems and Optoelectronics. He served as coordinator/member in numerous academic programs both for education and research. He was coordinator for Ph.D., Master and Bachelor Programs for Grenoble University, some programs are under international collaboration from Europe, USA, Canada, Brazil, Vietnam, Egypt, Maghreb. He founded the LCIS lab and served as its Director. He also served as the Director of ESISAR. He has more than 35 year experience in Education, Research and management of university affairs. Now, he is project manager at the ORSYS group of the LCIS that he founded 18 years ago and leaded until 2014. He supervised more than 40 Ph.Ds, and participated as Ph.D jury examiner/opponent for tens of defenses. He has more than 300 publications and patents. He organized several conferences/workshops. Senior Member IEEE, Past-President and founder of the IEEE-CPMT French Chapter, Vice-President of IEEE Section France (2008-2014) and Vice-Chair of URSI Commission D “Electronics & Photonics” in 2008. He served as the Chair of URSI Commission “D” for the triennium 2011-2014. In 2015 he was elected President of URSI-France. Since 2018 he is the Vice-chair of the MTT-TC24 on RFID.


The time to renew the IEEE Student Branch charges has come. That is, the annual elections will take place on:

WEDNESDAY JANUARY, 22nd , from 10:00 to 13:00 @
1st floor meeting room, Department of Information Engineering, VIA CARUSO 16, Pisa.
The charges to renew are: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary (actual charged people here:https://www.tlc.ing.unipi.it/ieee_sb/student_branch/roles.html)

We need some voluntaries who wants to serve the IEEE society through this wonderful adventure! We want you to candidate for one of the roles! Please, consider that this activity won't take you so much time, and even if you candidate for the President role, you will be able to conduct your research regurlarly without any problem.

The candidacy time opens now!
The candidacy will be closed on THURSDAY JANUARY, 16th  at 12:00, so please, write at the president This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Of course, even if you are not interested in getting role, you are warmly invited to come to vote on the January 22nd. It is important to reach a small quorum to get the elections valid!

We want you!
Risultati immagini per uncle sam
More information about how to administrate a Student Branch can be found here: https://www.ieee.org/membership/students/branches/index.html